About Me

Greetings, golf enthusiasts and fellow aficionados! I am William R. Lewis, a long-time golfer with more than 20 years of experience, deeply entrenched in the passion and precision of this grand game we call golf. A resident of the beautiful city of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, my abode at 660 Progress Way has seen many a triumphant return after a day well spent on the greens.

My journey with golf began two decades ago, a saga of swings, strategy, and sheer will. Every putt and drive, every hole-in-one and double bogey, have been chapters in my unwritten book of golf. It is this longstanding relationship with the sport that I bring to my role as an amateur golfer, where I continue to glean valuable insights from each round.

In the lush greens and the clear blue skies of our beloved fairways, I see stories. Stories of passion, patience, discipline, and an unyielding pursuit of perfection. From my earliest days of wrestling with the complexities of a swing, to my current endeavors in mastering the game’s intricate strategies, golf has been a constant companion, a teacher, and a relentless challenger.

To extend this camaraderie with golf, I founded Golfspirit – an online platform designed for golf lovers, learners, and legends alike. It’s a culmination of my passion, a place where personal experiences coalesce into collective wisdom, where we share our triumphs and trials on the green, delve into the sport’s intricacies, and exchange tips and techniques.

Golfspirit was borne out of a desire to foster a community of like-minded individuals, bound together by our shared love for golf. Over the years, I’ve realized that the joy of golf isn’t merely in the game itself, but also in the shared experiences and knowledge it fosters among its followers. Golfspirit aims to encapsulate this spirit, to be a haven for all golf enthusiasts seeking a platform to share, learn, and connect.

Through this website, I strive to share my experiences – the thrill of my first perfect swing, the lessons from those countless missed putts, the camaraderie on the course, and the solitude of the practice range. In return, I invite you to share your own stories, advice, and thoughts, contributing to a rich tapestry of collective wisdom that can enlighten both newcomers and veterans of the sport.

A wonderful aspect of golf is that it’s a game of constant learning – every round, every shot teaches us something new, something about the game, and often, something about ourselves. Golfspirit is the embodiment of this belief. It is an initiative that aims to transform the solitary pursuit of golf into a collective journey, filled with shared wisdom, support, and the relentless pursuit of that perfect round.

While golf remains my most enduring passion, it’s important to note that I am, like any golfer, more than just my handicap. Outside the course, I cherish the tranquility of my home in Saint Cloud, the joy of spending time with family and friends, and the satisfaction derived from a well-written piece, much like this one.

If you share this love for golf, if you too seek to improve, to learn, and to connect, I welcome you to join me on this journey. My virtual door at admin@golfspirit.net is always open for your stories, experiences, suggestions, and queries. Together, let’s make Golfspirit a sanctuary for golf lovers across the globe, a place where our shared passion for this splendid sport can thrive and grow.

Looking forward to welcoming you to Golfspirit – where the spirit of golf comes to life.

Name: William R. Lewis

Address: 660 Progress Way, Saint Cloud, MN 56303

Email: admin@golfspirit.net

Birthday: September 26, 1978

Age: 44 years old

Best regards,